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Compact With Texans

University of Houston-Clear Lake is an educational institution with a distinct identity, whose primary role is to provide fair and equitable learning opportunities to graduate and undergraduate students. The university serves a diverse student population from the state, the nation and abroad, particularly from the Houston-Galveston metropolitan area, by offering programs on and off campus.

The university's faculty, staff and administrators are committed to providing a humane, responsive and intellectually stimulating environment for productive learning and working. UHCL emphasizes:

  • Learning through teaching, research, scholarship, and professional and community service — the advancement of knowledge.
  • Delivery of educational opportunities through new instructional technologies and through distance learning.
  • A commitment to high academic standards.
  • Sensitivity to the needs of the students and communities served by the institution and, above all, integrity in all institutional functions.

Solving Problems

UHCL encourages informal resolution of complaints as the most effective solution to problems. Before filing a formal complaint, individuals are encouraged to first discuss the situation directly with the other person involved. If a resolution has not been reached, they're encouraged to discuss the situation with the other person's supervisor.

Individuals needing assistance with directing their complaints or understanding the proper procedures may consult with the Dean of Students.

Formal Complaint Process

Interface with UHCL customers occurs in three primary areas: Student Affairs, Academic Affairs, and Administration & Finance. Complainants are invited to submit their complaints in writing, in person, via email or by telephone to the appropriate office, or to the university's customer service representative. Office names, on-campus building locations, box numbers, telephone numbers and email addresses are given below for offices in each of the three areas. Complaints in writing should be directed to the appropriate office using the specific office title and box number in the following address.

Office Title
University of Houston-Clear Lake
2700 Bay Area Boulevard, Box #___
Houston, TX 77058-1098

The university's customer service representative is as follows:

April Harris
Executive Assistant to the President
University of Houston-Clear Lake
2700 Bay Area Boulevard
Houston, Texas 77058

Office location: Room 2521 Bayou Building
Phone: 281-283-2004
Fax: 281-283-2010
Email: or

The president has the ultimate responsibility for all concerns if satisfaction is not reached by addressing the problem with the appropriate department. Unresolved issues should be sent to:

Richard Walker, Ed.D., President
Office of the President
Attn: April Harris
Executive Assistant to the President
Bayou Building, Suite 2521
Box 43
Phone: 281-283-2004
Fax: 281-283-2010

The Customer Service Standards Act requires Texas higher education institutions to report on customer service on June 1st every even year. University of Houston-Clear lake publishes this information in the UHCL Academic Support Services Assessment (ASSA) survey report

Complaints Regarding Student Affairs

Student Affairs offices report to the Vice President for Student Affairs.  
To expedite a resolution process, complaints regarding a particular Student Affairs unit can be addressed by contacting the office directly. 

Campus Recreation and Wellness 
Michelle Mirpuri, Director  
Recreation and Wellness Center  
Phone: 281-283-2331

Capt. Wendell M. Wilson Office of Military and Veteran Services
Luis Polanco De Leon, Director
Student Services Classroom Building, Suite 3.201
Phone: 281-283-3071

Career Services 
Dr. Andrew Wiemer, Assistant Vice President for Student Engagement
Student Services Classroom Building, Suite 3109 
Phone: 281-283-2590

Center for Student Advocacy and Community
LaToya S. Mills, Ph.D., Director  
Student Services Classroom Building, Suite 1203
Phone: 281-283-2575

Counseling and Mental Health Center 
Cynthia A. Cook, Ph.D., Executive Director
Student Services Classroom Building, Suite 3103 
Phone: 281-283-2580

Dean of Students Office
Dr. Laquala C. Dixon, Assistant Vice President and Dean of Students
Student Services Classroom Building, Suite 1201
Phone: 281-283-2567

Health Services
Regina Pickett, Director  
Student Services Classroom Building, Suite 1301 
Phone: 281-283-2626

Orientation and New Student Programs
Tyler Hall, Director  
Student Services Classroom Building, Suite 1202 
Phone: 281-283-2420

Pearland Student Affairs 
Vacant, Coordinator 
Academic Building, Suite 140
Phone: 281-212-1679

Student Involvement and Leadership 
Jordan Jones, Director
Student Services Classroom Building, Suite 1204
Phone: 281-283-2560

Student Publications 
Katrina Glenn, Manager of Communications and Student Media
Bayou Building, Suite 1239 
Phone: 281-283-3975

Complaints regarding the Division of Student Affairs, if a satisfactory resolution is not reached in a timely manner, by working with the appropriate service provider listed, complaints should be directed to: 

Division of Student Affairs   
Tina Powellson, Ed.D., Vice President for Student Affairs 
Bayou Building, Suite 2523 
Phone: 281-283-3025

Complaints Regarding Academic Affairs

Academic Affairs includes the faculty members, division chairs, college deans and central academic administration of UHCL, as well as Planning and Assessment, the Neumann Library, Sponsored Programs and the Office of Information Technology.

Complaints regarding undergraduate and graduate programs should be directed to the Office of the Dean of the appropriate college.

College of Business
Edward Waller, Ph.D., Dean
Bayou Building, Suite 2239
Phone: 281-283-3102

College of Human Sciences and Humanities
Glenn M. Sanford, Ph.D., Dean
Bayou Building, Suite 1539
Phone: 281-283-3300

College of Education
Joan Pedro, Ph.D., Dean
Bayou Building, Suite 1237
Phone: 281-283-3501

College of Science and Engineering
Jennifer Irvin, Ph.D., Dean
Bayou Building, Suite 3611
Phone: 281-283-37

For matters related to Academic Affairs which includes the Center for Faculty Development and Office of Sponsored Programs, if a satisfactory resolution is not reached in a timely manner by working with the appropriate Academic Affairs college or service provider, complaints should be directed to:

Vice Provost
Kathryn I. Matthew, Ed.D., Vice Provost
Bayou Building, Suite 2525
Phone: 281-283-3000

Center for Faculty Development
Marci McMahon, Ph.D.
Executive Director
Bayou Building, Suite 1604
Phone: 281-283-3291

Office of Sponsored Programs
A. Glen Houston, Interim Executive Director
Bayou Building, Suite 2531
Phone: 281-283-3016

For matters related to Student Success Initiatives which includes Student Success Center, Writing Center, Accessibility Support Center, Testing Center, Transfer Advising, and College of Business (COB), College of Human Sciences and Humanities (HSH), College of Education (COE), and College of Science and Engineering (CSE) advising departments, if a satisfactory resolution is not reached in a timely manner by working with the appropriate Academic Affairs college or service provider, complaints should be directed to:

Student Success Initiatives
Tim Richardson, Ph.D., Associate Vice President
Bayou Building, Suite 2525
Box 74
Phone: 281-283-3000

Student Success Center and Math Center
Dorsey Thomas, M.Ed., Director
Student Services Classroom Building, Suite 3102
Box 239
Phone: 281-283-2455

Writing Center
Regan Joswiak, M.S., Director
Student Services Classroom Building, Suite 2101
Box 84
Phone: 281-283-3970

Accessibility Support Center
J'Naudia Hunter-Phillips, Ed.D.
Director, Accessibility Support Center
Student Services Classroom Building, Suite 1302
Box 258
Phone: 281-283-2624

Diana Nores, M.Ed.
Director, Testing Center
Bayou Building, Suite 1408
Box 114
Phone: 281-283-3083

Transfer Advising
Kristi Rickman, M.S., Director
Student Services Classroom Building, Suite 1206
Box 209
Phone: 281-283-2637
Fax: 281-226-7138

Academic Advising (BUS)
Twana Walker, M.S., Director
Bayou Building, Suite 2111
Box 292
Phone: 281-283-3113

Academic Advising (HSH)
Erick Ortiz, Director
Bayou Building, Suite 1615
Box 416
Phone: 281-283-2240

Student Relations (COE)
David Benz, M.A./M.S.
Director of Student Relations (COE)
Bayou Building, Suite 1231
Box 188
Phone: 281-283-3600
As required by TEA, the College of Education has an extensive policy for complaint resolution

Michelle Gutierrez
Director of Academic Advising (CSE)
Bayou Building, Suite 3611
Box 415
Phone: 281-283-3710

For matters related to Neumann Library, Education Abroad and Scholar Services, UHCL at Pearland, and the Office of Information Technology, if a satisfactory resolution is not reached in a timely manner by working with the appropriate Academic Affairs college or service provider, complaints should be directed to:  

Neumann Library
Lee Hilyer, M.Ed., MLIS, Executive Director
Bayou Building, Suite 2402
Box 229
Phone: 281-283-3930

Education Abroad and Scholar Services
Bianca Schonberg, Ph.D.

Bayou Building, Suite 2123, MC 225
Houston, Texas 77058-1002
Phone: 281-283-2740

University of Houston-Clear Lake at Pearland
Beth Lewis, Ph.D., Associate Vice President, Chief Operating Officer
1200 Pearland Parkway
Pearland, TX  77581
Phone: 281-212-1605

Office of Information Technology
LeeBrian Gaskins, Ph.D.
Assistant Vice President for IT/CIO
Bayou Building, Suite 3221
Box 230
Phone: 281-283-2828

Complaints regarding Academic Affairs services, if a satisfactory resolution is not reached in a timely manner by working with the appropriate Academic Affairs college or service provider listed, complaints should be directed to:

Christopher Maynard, Ph.D., Sr. VP, Academic Affairs and Provost
Phone: 281-283-3000
Bayou Building, 2525
2700 Bay Area Blvd
Houston, TX 77058-1002

Complaints Regarding Strategic Enrollment Management

For matters related to Recruitment and Admissions, Academic Records, and Student Office of Financial Aid, if a satisfactory resolution is not reached in a timely manner by working with the appropriate Academic Affairs college or service provider, complaints should be directed to:

Recruitment and Admissions
Scott Sawyer
Interin Vice President, Strategic Enrollment Management
Bayou Building, Suite 2525
Box 74
Phone: 281-283-3011

Academic Records
Andrea Celestine, M.A.
Registrar, Academic Records
North Office Annex II, Suite 1200
Box 86
Phone: 281-283-2533

Student Office of Financial Aid
Holly Nolan, M.A.
Executive Director, Office of Student Financial Aid
Student Services Classroom Building, Suite 1105
Box 5
Phone: 281-283-2480


Complaints regarding Strategic Enrollment Management, if a satisfactory resolution is not reached in a timely manner, by working with the appropriate service provider listed, complaints should be directed to:

Scott Sawyer
Interim Vice President for Strategic Enrollment Management
Bayou Building, Suite 2525
Box 74
Phone: 281-283-3011

Complaints Regarding Administration and Finance

Administration and Finance provides a variety of services on behalf of the university for internal and external customers. Faculty and staff are considered internal customers, while students, alumni, and community members are the primary external customers.

Administration and Finance is responsible for facilities, the campus store and food services; business and accounting services; human resources; safety and security. Complaints pertaining to services provided by these departments should first be directed to the appropriate office.

Campus Store and Food Service
Debra Carpenter
Executive Director of Procurement and Payables
NII 1300
Box 137
Phone: 281-283-2150
Fax: 281-283-2156

Facilities Management and Construction/Parking & Transportation
Douglas Wells
AVP Facilities Management and Construction
Central Services Building
Phone: 281-283-2250

Finance - Cashier and Student Accounting Issues
Marty Baylor
Interim Vice President for Administration and Finance
Bayou Building, Suite B2317
Box 75
Phone: 281-283-2100

Human Resources
Yolanda Edmond
AVP Human Resources
Bayou Building, Suite 2537
Box 167
Phone: 281-283-2160
Fax: 281-283-2158

Police Department
Russell Miller
Chief of Police
Bayou Building, Suite 1636
Box 323
Phone: 281-283-2222
Fax: 281-488-8585