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College of Human Sciences and Humanities Departments and Programs

Departments in the College of Human Sciences and Humanities

The College of Human Sciences and Humanities at University of Houston-Clear Lake is divided into five departments that encompass 16 undergraduate and 17 graduate degree programs. At the undergraduate level, many of our degree programs allow students to declare both a major course of study and a 15-hour minor; students can tailor our plans to meet their career goals and intellectual pursuits. Our graduate programs offer small seminar-style classes, and the opportunity for research or creative collaborations with faculty who are known for excellence in their respective fields.

Choose Your Path

Department of Clinical, Health, and Applied Sciences

UHCL’s Department of Clinical, Health, and Applied Sciences educates students for careers that promote the mental, physical, and psychosocial health and well-being of individuals, families and communities. Changing lifestyle and environmental factors result in increased prevalence of disease and disability. This creates a growing need to discover, develop, and disseminate evidence-based prevention, treatment, and rehabilitation programs for physical and mental impairments. We are dedicated to meeting this growing societal need through research, teaching, and service. Our faculty members are committed to the academic preparation and professional mentorship of students who will become the community and family health leaders of future generations.

Clinical, Health, and Applied Sciences

Department of Communication and Studio Arts

At UHCL, the Department of Communication and Studio Arts emphasizes creativity and critical thinking in communication and the arts. In state-of-the-art studios and computer laboratories under the supervision of professors who are nationally and internationally recognized in their fields, students prepare for careers in fine arts, graphic design, professional writing, and public relations. Classes are taught by published authors and award-winning artists in in ceramics, sculpture, painting, graphic design, digital media law, social media and public relations, and composition and rhetoric.

Communication and Studio Arts

Department of Social and Cultural Sciences

UHCL’s Department of Social and Cultural Sciences provides students with the critical thinking and analytical knowledge necessary to understand the social contexts of their intellectual, artistic, and professional work. Our programs span the social sciences and incorporate an interdisciplinary approach. Students are able to choose from a variety of courses that examine the political, social, cultural, and geographical forces that shape social life.

Social and Cultural Sciences

Department of Liberal Arts

The Department of Liberal Arts is an interdisciplinary home and offers students a world of possibilities for the disciplines of history, literature, and humanities. The department houses three graduate programs in history, literature, and humanities, as well as three undergraduate programs in history, literature, and humanities.

Liberal Arts

Department of Psychology

The Department of Psychology at UHCL includes the undergraduate Bachelor of Science in Psychology and the graduate Master of Arts in Psychology degrees. The discipline of psychology is presented as the scientific study of human behavior which includes the critical analyses of data and the potential for application in our communities. All aspects of the degrees are guided by the suggested curricula of the American Psychological Association and developed by our faculty for optimum learning in the classroom, laboratory and applied settings.



  • Office of Admissions

    Phone: 281-283-2500
    Fax: 281-283-2522

    SSCB 1.101
    2700 Bay Area Blvd, Box 13
    Houston, TX 77058-1002

    Office Hours:
    Monday-Friday: 8 a.m. - 5 p.m.

    Monday & Wednesday: Virtual and in-person appointments available until 6 p.m.