Clifton Mayfield

Clifton Mayfield, Ph.D.

Associate Professor of Management,
College of Business

Contact number: 281-283-3258
Office: Bayou Building, Suite 3321, Room 20


Dr. Mayfield is an associate professor of management and joined University of Houston-Clear Lake in 2007. His teaching and research focus is in the areas of organizational behavior, organizational theory, teamwork and leadership, and human resource management.

Prior to academia, he spent 13 years working in the computer and information technology sector, where he held various management positions related to product development, systems design/integration, and system support services. He earned his Ph.D. at the State University of New York at Albany in 2008 and his M.B.A. at the University of Arizona in 1999.

Dr. Mayfield maintains an active research agenda and has published articles in the Journal of Managerial Psychology, Management Research Review, International Journal of Organizational Analysis, the Journal of Applied Management and Entrepreneurship, the Journal of Applied and Business Economics, the Journal of Small Business Strategy, and others. He is also a contributing member of the Academy of Management and the Southern Management Association and is presently serving as the associate editor for the Small Business Institute Journal.

His current research is divided into three streams, including exploring positive leadership’s impact on organizational and personal outcomes, understanding teamwork processes and team effectiveness, and studying the identity cognitions of individuals and their influence on organizational behavior.

Curriculum Vitae

Areas of Expertise

  • Organizational behavior
  • Organizational theory
  • Teamwork & leadership
  • Self-conception & organizational identification
  • Management education


  • O’Donnell, M., Ruth-Sahd, L. & Mayfield, C. (2019), An Expanded Holistic Model of Healthy Workplace Practices. International Journal of Organizational Analysis, 27(5). doi:10.1108/IJOA-02-2019-1647
  • Mayfield, C.O., & Tombaugh, J.R. (2018). Why peer evaluations in student teams don’t tell us what we think they do. Journal of Education for Business,1-14. doi:10.1080/08832323.2018.1503584
  • Lee, M., Mayfield, C. O., Hinojosa, A. S., & Im, Y. (2018). A dyadic approach to examining the emotional intelligence–work outcome relationship: The mediating role of LMX. Organization Management Journal, 1-16. doi:10.1080/15416518.2018.1427539 [Nominated Best Research Paper of 2018]
  • Mayfield, C.O., Tombaugh, J.R., & Lee, M. (2016). Psychological collectivism and team effectiveness: Moderating effects of trust and psychological safety. Journal of Organizational Culture, Communications, and Conflict. 20(1), 78-94.
  • Tombaugh, J. & Mayfield, C.O. (2014). Teams on teams: Using advice from peers to create a more effective student team experience. Academy of Educational Leadership Journal, 18(4). 69-84.
  • Mayfield, C.O. (2013). Promoting organizational citizenship behavior through job design: Job characteristics versus job satisfaction, Journal of Business Disciplines, 11(1), 36-64.
  • Voelker, T.A., Wooten, K., & Mayfield, C. (2012). Towards a network perspective on change readiness. Journal of Applied Business and Economics, 13(4), 96-113.
  • Decker, P., Durand, R., Mayfield, C.O., McCormack, C., Skinner, D., & Perdue, G. (2012). Predicting implementation failure in organization change. Journal of Organizational Culture, Communications, and Conflict. 16(2), 39-60.
  • Tombaugh, J., Mayfield C. & Durand, R. (2011). Spiritual expression at work: Exploring the active voice of workplace spirituality. International Journal of Organizational Analysis, 19(2), 146-170.
  • Valenti, A., Luce, R. & Mayfield, C. (2011). The effects of firm performance on corporate governance. Management Research Review, 34(3), 266-283.

Courses (Current Academic Year)

  • MGMT 3301, Mgmt Theory And Practice
  • MGMT 4332, Organizational Structure & Process,
  • MGMT 4354, Org Behav Theory and App
  • MGMT 4534, Organizational Behavior
  • MGMT 5032, Human Behavior in Organization
  • MGMT 5133, Teamwork & Leadership Skills
  • MGMT 5135, Org Transf, Learn, Design
  • MGMT 5439, Positive Leadership & Ethical
  • MGMT 5931, Research Topics in Management
  • MGMT 6237, Comparative Leadership
  • MGMT 6739, Internship in Management

Awards and Accomplishments

  • Excellence in Teaching Award, The National Society of Leadership and Success. (2014)
  • Faculty Development and Support Fund Award. (multiple years)