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Conflict of Interest

Conflict of Interest Procedures for Investigators

Who is an investigator?

The project director or principal Investigator, and any other persons,
regardless of title or position, who are responsible for the design, conduct, or
reporting of Research or educational activities funded or proposed for funding. This
may include, but is not limited to, faculty, staff, students, adjunct faculty, or subrecipients (collaborators, consultants, contractors, or subcontractors). With respect
to Research funded by the DOE, this also includes any person who participates in
the purpose, design, conduct, or reporting of the project.
In addition, any Research team member who indicates a financial interest related to
the submission of a human or animal Research protocol will be asked to complete a

Updated procedures to align with SAM 01.G.03: Financial Conflict of Interest in Research are now being implemented. If you meet or think you might meet the definition of an investigator above:

1. Complete the CITI training every three years:

Register for FCOI CITI Training

2. Fill out the following form annually:

Financial Conflict of Interest Disclosure Form

Prior Policy

The UHCL COI disclosure procedure of previous years was developed under this policy, prior to the finalization of SAM 01.G.03 on January 22, 2024.



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