Kwok-Bun Yue, Ph.D.
Professor of Computer Science and Computer Information Systems,
College of Science and Engineering
Contact number: 281-283-3864
Email: yue@uhcl.edu
Office: Delta 163
Dr. Bun Yue is a Professor of Computer Science at the University of Houston-Clear Lake (UHCL). His research interests are in databases, blockchain, concurrent programming, and information systems and computer science education. He has published more than 50 papers. Dr. Yue is the principal investigator of 12 external grants from NSF, NASA, DoD, etc. for a total amount of $2.7 million. He is a senior editor of the Journal of Information Systems Education. Dr. Yue was a recipient of the UHCL Distinguished Teaching Award (1993), the UHCL Piper Award (1994), the UHCL Alumni Association Outstanding Professor Award (2011), the UHCL Fellowship (2002) and UHCL Distinguished Professorship in Computer Science and Engineering (2021). Dr. Yue served in the administrative role of the chair of the Division of Computer and Mathematics, the Computer Science program, and the Computer Information Systems program for 16 years. He has consulted several companies, including serving briefly as a CTO of a startup company. Since 2019, he serves as the director of the Data Science program.
Areas of Expertise
- Databases
- Blockchains
- Concurrent programming
- Internet computing
- Yue, K., Sha, K., Selvan, J., Guerra, M., Wei, W., Chakka, S., Vuchuru, P., Koduru,
M., Liu, X., Tang, V. & Howard, W., Confidentiality and Data Integrity in Consortium
Blockchain Applications for Model Based Systems Engineering, 2023 American Institute
of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA) Scitech Forum.
- Wu, Y., Sha, K., & Yue, K. B. (2022, December). Poster: Blockchain-Enabled Federated
Edge Learning for Big Data Quality Assessment. In 2022 IEEE/ACM 7th Symposium on Edge
Computing (SEC) (pp. 284-285). IEEE.
- Yue, K., "Assuring Referential Integrity in Blockchain Applications," 2022 Fourth
International Conference on Blockchain Computing and Applications (BCCA), 2022, pp.
47-54, doi: 10.1109/BCCA55292.2022.9921976.
- Yue, K., "A Blockchain-Inspired, Multi-Layered Transaction Model for Business Process
Modeling," 2021 Americas Conference on Information Systems AMCIS.
- Yue, K., Kallempudi, P., Sha, K., Wei, W., Liu, X., Governance Attributes of Consortium
Blockchain Applications, 2021 Americas Conference on Information Systems AMCIS.
- Yue, K., Guerra, M., Wagner, H., Thamarai Selvan, J.S., Collector, K., Tang, V., Sikes,
M., Sha, K., Kallempudi, P., Mardani, S. and Kasichainula, K. (2021). "Applying Blockchain
Technology on Model-Based Systems Engineering," 2021 American Institute of Aeronautics
and Astronautics Scitech Forum (p. 0093).
- Yue, K., "Blockchain-Augmented Organizations" (2020). Proceedings of the 26th Americas
Conference on Information Systems AMCIS, https://aisel.aisnet.org/amcis2020/org_transformation_is/org_transformation_is/5.
- Yue, K., Chandrasekar, K., & Gullapalli, H. (2019). Storing and Querying Blockchain
using SQL Databases. Information Systems Education Journal, 17(4), 24.
- Yue, K., Chandrasekar, K., & Gullapalli, H. (2018). Querying Bitcoin Blockchain Using
SQL. In Proceedings of the EDSIG Conference, Norfolk, Virginia, Volume 4, n4607, November
2018 (selected as a distinguished paper, top 10%)
- Wei, W., & Yue. K., Formative Assessment of Meaningful Learning in IS Education Using Concept Mapping. Proceedings of the EDSIG Conference, Austin, Texas, Volume 3, n4312, November 2017.
Courses (Current Academic Year)
- Databases
Research Projects
Dr. Yue's research interests are in databases, blockchains, concurrent programming, CS and IS education
Awards and Accomplishments
- UHCL Distinguished Professorship in Computer Science and Engineering, 2021.
- UHCL Alumni Association Outstanding Professor Award and UHCL Alumni Association's
Faculty Fellowship, 2011.
- UHCL University Faculty Fellowship, 2002.
- Distinguished Alumni of Computer Science, University of North Texas, April 1997.
- UHCL's nominee for the Texas State Piper Professor Teaching Award, 1994.
- 1993 UHCL President's Distinguished Teaching Award/Enron Teaching Excellence Award.