Hakduran Koc, Ph.D.
Professor of Computer Engineering,
College of Science and Engineering
Contact number: 281-283-3877
Email: KocHakduran@uhcl.edu
Office: D110
Dr. Koc is currently a professor of computer engineering. After receiving his B.S.
in Electronics Engineering from Ankara University, he worked in the industry for two
years. Then, he joined Syracuse University, where he received his M.S. and Ph.D. in
computer engineering.
During his graduate study, Dr. Koc was at The Pennsylvania State University as a visiting
scholar. His research and teaching are in the areas of digital design, embedded systems,
and computer architecture.
He is the recipient of several teaching and leadership awards, including UHCL Piper
Award Finalist, IEEE Outstanding Student Branch Counselor Award, and IEEE MGA Outstanding
Small Section Award. He is currently a member of IEEE and ACM and reviewer for several
journals and conferences.
- J Bayan Nimer* and Hakduran Koc, "Task Recomputation based Reliability Improvements in Heterogeneous Multi-Core Embedded Systems". (under review)
- J Hakduran Koc, "Reducing Energy Consumption of Banked Memory Architectures with Multi-Operating Modes through Data Recomputation". (under review)
- J Seyit Ozturk*, Faruk Karaagac* and Hakduran Koc, "AYSE: Automated System Synthesis Environment", International Journal of Technology and Educational Marketing (IJTEM), Vol. 4, Issue 2, pp. 86-104, 2014.
- C Elham Azari* and Hakduran Koc, "Hardware/Software Partitioning Based on Hot Path Analysis", In Proceedings of the 2014 INNOVATION Conference, Houston, TX, October 2014.
- C Oommen Mathews* and Hakduran Koc, "Targeting Fault Propagation Scope to Enhance Reliability in Embedded Systems", In Proceedings of the 2014 INNOVATION Conference, Houston, TX, October 2014.
- S Arif Ceber*, Fatih Karabacak* and Hakduran Koc, "Design and Implementation of a Semi-Autonomous Mobile Robot Prototype", In Proceedings of the 2014 AIAA (American Institute of Aeronautics Astronautics) Annual Technical Symposium, Houston, TX, May 2014.
- C Fatih Karabacak*, Hakduran Koc and Arif Ceber*, "A Low Power Electronic Sticker for Vehicle Identification System using Proprietary Active RFID Wireless Protocol", In Proceedings of the International Conference on Connected Vehicles and Expo (ICCVE 2013), pp. 847-852, Las Vegas, NV, December 2013.
- W Arif Ceber* and Fatih Karabacak* and Hakduran Koc "A Low-Cost Robot Implementation with Primitive Human Body Movements", In Proceedings of the Workshop on Automation and Robotics (WAR'13), Houston, TX, October 2013.
- C Fatih Karabacak*, Arif Ceber* and Hakduran Koc, "A Low-Power Proprietary Wireless Communication Protocol", In Proceedings of the 2013 INNOVATION Conference, Houston, TX, October 2013.
- C Faruk Karaagac*, Hakduran Koc and Seyit Ozturk*, "An Educational Electronic Design Automation Tool for High Level Synthesis and Optimization", In Proceedings of the International Conference on E-Learning and E-Technologies in Education (ICEEE 2013), pp. 165-170, Lodz, Poland, September 2013.
Courses (Current Academic Year)
Dr. Koc teaches the following courses at UHCL. If you would like to work with Dr. Koc for your thesis or you have an interest on a special CENG topic, you may meet with him for an independent study course.
Graduate Courses
- CENG 5133: Computer Architecture Design
- CENG 5534: Advanced Digital System Design
- CENG 6332: High Performance Computer Architecture
- CENG 6534: Digital Systems Synthesis and Optimization
- CENG 6838: Research Project and Seminar
Undergraduate Courses
- CENG 3351/3151: Computer Architecture/Lab
- CENG 3371: Microcontroller Programming
- CENG 4313: Microprocessor Interfacing
- CENG 4354: Digital System Design
Research Projects
- Performance improvements in many-core architectures
- Memory space minimization of data-intensive applications
- Power/energy optimizations in embedded systems
- Reliability improvements in digital systems
- High level synthesis
Awards and Accomplishments
Individual Awards
- Minnie Stevens Piper Award Finalist, University of Houston – Clear Lake, 2014.
- Minnie Stevens Piper Award Finalist, University of Houston – Clear Lake, 2013.
- NSF/TCPP CDER Early Adopter Award, July 2013
- Minnie Stevens Piper Award Finalist, University of Houston – Clear Lake, 2012.
- Outstanding Student Branch Counselor Award by IEEE Region 5, 2012.
- Minnie Stevens Piper Award Finalist, University of Houston – Clear Lake, 2011.
- Paper ranked #3 in Most Popular Papers Category in ACM Digital Library, September 2007.
- Student mentor award by SIGDA - Young Student Support Program, DAC 2007 and DAC 2002.
- Summer Fellowships by Syracuse University, 2004, 2005, and 2006.
- Several Travel Grants by UHCL, Syracuse University, NSF, DAC, MEMOCODE and industry-leader companies.
- Full Scholarship by Turkish Department of Education for M.S. and Ph.D. education in USA, 1999.
- Ranked #1 student in the department upon graduation, Ankara University, 1997.
- Outstanding Small Section Award by IEEE MGA to IEEE Galveston Bay Section, 2012.
Position: Section Chair (The best IEEE Small Section worldwide). - Outstanding Small Student Branch Award by IEEE Region 5 to IEEE UHCL Student Branch,
Position: Branch Counselor - Outstanding Small Section Award by IEEE Region 5 to IEEE Galveston Bay Section, 2012.
Position: Section Chair - Most Improved Organization Award by University of Houston - Clear Lake to IEEE Student
Branch, 2012.
Position: Branch Counselor - Professional Development Event of the Year Award by UHCL to IEEE Student Branch, 2012.
Position: Branch Counselor - Outstanding Small Section Award by IEEE Region 5 to IEEE Galveston Bay Section, 2011.
Position: Section Vice Chair