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Academic Affairs Administration Calendar

2024-2025 Academic Affairs Administration Calendar

View PDF of 2024-2025 Academic Affairs Administration Calendar.

August 2024 (Fall Semester)

August 1:

  • Application Deadline for New Graduate Students (Some programs may have earlier deadlines. See Application Deadlines on the program’s website.)
  • Freshman Final Application Deadline
  • Priority Application Deadline for Undergraduate Transfer and Non-Degree-Seeking Undergraduate or Graduate Students. (Students who apply after this date must submit all required documentation with their paper application in the Office of Admissions and will be processed for Late Registration.)

August 6: First-Year Student Orientation 

August 9: Transfer Student Orientation (TSO)

August 9-11: Maintenance Window for Office of Information Technology

August 12:

  • International Student Orientation
  • Faculty Reporting Date (One week before 1st day of class)
  • Fall Financial Aid Disbursements Begin
  • Fee Payment Deadline for Early and Open Registration by 5 p.m. for All Payment Methods

August 13: First Administrative Drop 1st 8-Week Session and Regular Session by 5 p.m.

August 13-14: New Faculty Orientation

August 14: Fall Final Application Deadline for Undergraduate Transfer, Returning and Non-Degree-Seeking Undergraduate or Graduate Students. (Students who apply after this date must submit all required documentation with their paper application to the Office of Admissions.)

August 16:

  • Open Registration Ends (1st 8-Week and Regular Sessions)
  • Final Application Deadline for Returning UHCL Students

August 17-26:

  • Late Registration (1st 8-Week Session)
  • Late Registration (Regular Session)

August 19: First Class Day (1st 8-Week Session and Regular Session)

August 19-September 18: Online Graduation Application Available

August 20: Late Registration Ends (1st 8-Week Session) 

August 26:

  • Late Registration Ends Regular Session at 11:59 p.m.
  • Census Date for 1st 8-Week Session; Last Day to Drop or Withdraw Without Receiving a Grade.

August 27: Fee Payment Deadline for Fall 1st 8-Week Session and Regular Session Late Registration, 5 p.m. For All Payment Methods.

August 28: Second Administrative Drop for 1st 8-Week and Regular Session by 5 p.m.

August 30: Acalog 2025-2026 catalogs opened for editing. Curriculog forms available for adds, changes and deletions to courses and programs for the 2025-2026 catalog year.

August 30-December 20: Annual Course Inventory cycle opens for upcoming catalog year (Curriculog add, change and delete course forms). Course approvals due to Assistant Registrar - Academic Support by noon.

August 30-September 13: CBM003 THECB Fall Supplemental Course Inventory excel file available for New Courses.

August 31: Academic Program Review (APR) Coordinator in Planning and Assessment Submits Graduate-Level Program Reviews to THECB.

September 2024

September 1:

  • UHCL Core Curriculum Assessment Cycle Begins
  • Institutional Assessment Cycle Begins. Templates Available for Results and Use of Results and Upcoming Assessment Cycle for Outcomes, Methods and Criteria.

September 2: Labor Day Holiday

September 4: Official Census Date for Regular Session; Last Day to Drop or Withdraw Without Receiving a Grade 

September 6:

  • Candidates must submit their Promotion and Tenure Document in the 2024-25 P&T workflow. Associate Dean or college designee have access to files to facilitate submission of external review letters.
  • Faculty Development and Support Fund Proposals Due to the HSH Dean.
  • Faculty Development and Support Fund Proposals Due to the COE Dean.

September 9:  Syllabus Tool Audit Completed and Corrections Due

September 13:

  • Deadline for Associate Dean or college designee to Upload the External Review Documentation into Workflow and Submit the Candidate’s P&T File to the PRC Committee. This represents the deadline for external review letters to be received.
  • CBM003 THECB Fall Supplemental Course Inventory Due to Registrar. Manual entry into PeopleSoft and Acalog. Changes to current, live catalog no longer permissible with Curriculog.

September 16:

  • Provost Announces the Number of Funded Faculty Development Leaves in Each College for the 2024-25 Academic Year.
  • Faculty Research Support Fund Proposals Due to Office of Sponsored Programs, via email by 5 p.m.
  • Faculty Development and Support Fund Proposals Due to the CSE Dean.
  • Third Administrative Drop for Regular Session by 5 p.m.
  • 20th class day of Regular Session (State Reporting Date)

September 18:

  • Deans Send to Provost a List of Tenured Faculty Who Received Satisfactory or Unsatisfactory Post-Tenure Review During the Past Year.
  • Post-Tenure Review Notification to Tenured Faculty from the Deans for the Next Year.
  • Last Day to Apply for Graduation on Time (30 days after first class day).

September 19-October 18: Fall Online Late Graduation Application Available.

September 20-22: Maintenance Window for Office of Information Technology.

September 23: Last Day to Drop/Withdraw (1st 8-Week Session).

September 30: Spring 2025 Semester Class Schedule Available Online (Four Weeks Prior to Early Registration).

October 2024

October 1:

  • QEP Annual Report due to Deans/Divisions/AVPs/Provost.
  • Mid-Term Grades Due to Colleges by Noon (Regular Session).
  • Final Application Deadline for International Students for Spring 2025 (If the program’s application deadline is earlier, Students should apply by the program’s application deadline).

October 7: Fee Payment Deadline for 2nd 8-Week Session.

October 10: Last Class Day (1st 8-Week Session)

October 11 and 12: Final Exams (1st 8-Week Session)

October 12: End of 1st 8-Week Session

October 14:

  • Deadline to Submit Application for COE Dissertation Defense
  • Classes Begin (2nd 8-Week Session)

October 15:

  • Faculty Development Leave Applications (FDL) Due to College FDL Committee.
  • Assessment Results and Use of Results Report.
  • Registration ends (2nd 8-Week Session).
  • Programs and Units Submit Completed Assessment Plans for Outcomes, Methods and Criteria. 

October 17: Grades Due to Colleges by Noon (1st 8-Week Session)

October 18: Deadline for PRC to Complete Their Review, Upload Recommendation Letter into Workflow, Record Committee’s Overall Recommendation for Teaching, Scholarship and Service, and Forward (Submit) Candidate’s P&T File to the Department Chair.

October 18-20: Maintenance Window for Office of Information Technology.

October 21: 

  • Final Date for COE Dissertation Defense
  • Census Date for 2nd 8-Week Session; Last Day to Drop or Withdraw Without Receiving a Grade.

October 28-November 7: Early Registration and Advising (Winter Mini and Spring Regular Sessions).

October 31:

  • Catalog reviewers (faculty/content owners) provide all changes to editor(s) by Noon. This is content other than courses and programs.
  • Fall, Winter and Summer Faculty-Led Education Abroad Program Proposal Deadline (Due 1-1.5 years prior to proposed semester).

November 2024

November 1:

  • International Education Fee Award Scholarship Spring Priority Deadline.
  • Faculty Development and Support Fund Proposals Due to the COB Dean.
  • CBM-009 Graduation Report Due.
  • CBM-011 THECB Facilities Room Inventory Report Due and CBM-014 THECB Facilities Building Inventory report Due.
  • Initial Appointment for Format Check of Dissertations, Theses, and Projects with Library (Fall Session).
  • Freshman Priority Application Deadline for Spring 2025.

November 4: Last Day to Drop/Withdraw (Regular Session)

November 8-December 10: Spring Open Registration and Advising Ends by 5 p.m. (Winter Mini Session).

November 8-January 10: Open Registration and Advising Ends by 5 p.m. (Spring Regular Session).

November 11:

  • Final Approval of Dissertations by the COE Dean
  • Submission of Theses/Projects to the Dean for Approval

November 13: Faculty Development Leave Committee Submits Approved Proposals to Dean.

November 15:

  • Curriculog Course and Program Forms due to Associate Dean's Office.
  • Faculty Development and Support Fund Proposals Due to the CSE Dean.
  • CBM-00B Admissions Annual Report Due
  • CBM-005 Building and Room Report Due
  • Deadline for Department Chair to Complete Review, Upload Recommendation Letter into Workflow, Record Recommendation for Teaching, Scholarship and Service, and Forward (Submit) P&T File to submission box.

November 15-17: Maintenance Window for Office of Information Technology

November 18:

  • Last Day to Drop/Withdraw (2nd 8-Week Session)
  • Final Approval of Theses/Projects by the Dean

November 22: Deadline for Candidate’s Five Business-Day Window to Review P&T File and Add any Candidate Letter of Information/Rebuttal, if Desired, to the P&T File. P&T File Is Released to the Dean for Review. If no rebuttal is needed, candidate forwards file to dean on or before this date.

November 26:

  • Last Class Day Regular Session
  • Catalog editors finish entering changes into Acalog. Editors notify reviewers (faculty/content owners) that changes in Acalog are ready for review.

November 27-December 1: Thanksgiving Holiday (Students)

November 28-29: Thanksgiving Holidays (Staff)

November 29: Initial Electronic Submission (Vireo) of Dissertations, Theses, and Projects to Library (Fall Session).

TBD based on Planning & Budget Calendar: Programs and Units Submit Funding Requests to Dean/Division if New Funding is Needed.

November 30-December 7: 100% Online Courses May Schedule Finals.

December 2024

December 1: 

  • Freshman Final Application Deadline (Spring 2025).
  • Spring Application Deadline for New Graduate Students (Some programs may have earlier deadlines. See Application Deadlines on the program’s website).
  • Spring Semester Priority Application Deadline for Transfer Students.

December 2:

  • Final Submission of Dissertations to the HSH Dean's Office.
  • Fee Payment Deadline by Noon For All Payment Methods (Winter Mini Session).

December 2-7: Final Exams (Regular Session)

December 5:

  • Last Class Day (2nd 8-Week Session)
  • Faculty Development and Support Fund Proposals Due to the COB Dean.

December 6: Deadline for Final Electronic Submission (Vireo) of Dissertations, Theses, and Projects to Library (Fall Session)

December 6 and 7: Final Exam (2nd 8-Week Session)

December 9:

  • Classes Begin (Winter Mini Session)
  • Deans Submit Internal Program Review Reports to the Academic Program Review (APR) Coordinator in Office of Planning and Assessment.

December 10:

  • Census Date (Winter Mini Session)
  • End of Open Registration (Winter Mini Session)

December 12: Grades Due to the Colleges by Noon (Regular and 2nd 8-Week Session).

December 13:

  • Faculty Check-out (Friday after grades are due)
  • Notification of Non-Reappointment of Non-Tenured Faculty from Deans

December 14:

  • Commencement
  • Official Closing of the Semester and Degree Conferral Date

December 13-15: Maintenance Window for Office of Information Technology 

December 16:

  • Annual Course-Related Fee Requests and Projected Fee Budgets from Colleges to Vice Provost/Chief Business Administrator.
  • Deadline for Deans of each college to forward funded Faculty Development Leave Proposals and nominations to Provost.

December 17: Graduation Clearances due by 5 p.m.

December 19: Notification of Non-Reappointment of Non-Tenured/Tenure Track Faculty from Deans.

December 20:

  • Final approvals of course forms (adds, changes and deletions) in Curriculog for 2025-2026 catalog due to Assistant Registrar - Academic Support by noon.
  • Catalog reviewers (faculty/content owners) complete approval or rejection changes in Analog. Reviewers notify editors of any further changes. 

December 23-January 1, 2025:

  • Winter Holidays (Students & Faculty). No Classes in Winter Mini-Session.
  • Winter Holidays (Staff )

December 25-January 1, 2025: Office of Information Technology System/Network Maintenance

January 2025 (Spring Semester)

January 2-21: Registrar's Office Annual Course Inventory Updates within People Soft. 

January 2-March 15: On Behalf of the Provost, the Academic Program Review (APR) Coordinator in Office of Planning and Assessment Sends Letters to Deans Identifying Programs Due for Review.

January 3: Deadline for Dean to Complete Review, Upload Recommendation Letter into Workflow, Record a Recommendation for Teaching, Scholarship and Service, and Forward (Submit) the P&T File to the submission box.

January 5: Final Application Deadline for Graduate Students. (Some programs may have earlier deadlines. See application deadlines on the program’s website).

January 6:

  • Last Day to Drop/Withdraw (Winter Mini Session)
  • Fee Payment Deadline for Open Registration and Early Registration by 5 p.m. For All Payment Methods.
  • Spring Financial Aid Disbursement Begin

TBD: International Student Orientation (ISO) 
TBD: First-Year Student Orientation (FSO) 
TBD: Transfer Student Orientation (TSO) 

January 7:
First Administrative Drop (1st 8-Week Session and Regular Session by 5 p.m.)

January 8:

  • Priority Application Deadline for Transfer, Returning and Non-Degree-Seeking Undergraduate/Graduate Students (Students who apply after this date must submit all required documentation with their paper application in the Office of Admissions and will be processed for Late Registration).
  • Final Application Deadline for Transfer Students

January 9: Faculty Reporting Date (One week before 1st day of class)

January 10:

  • Open Registration Ends (1st 8-Week and Regular Sessions)
  • Final Application Deadline for Returning UHCL Students
  • Catalog editors notify reviewers of final review. Last opportunity to make changes by 5 p.m.
  • Curriculog program forms due to Assistant Registrar - Academic Support for 2025-2026 catalog year. Curriculog forms close 5 p.m.
  • Final Application and Documents Deadline for Undergraduate Transfer Students, Returning and Non-Degree-Seeking Undergraduate Students (Spring 2025).

January 11: Last Class Day/Final Exam (Winter Mini Session)

January 11-14: Late Registration (Period 1st 8-Week Session)

January 11-21: Late Registration/Add/Drop Period (Regular Session)

January 13:

  • First Class Day for Regular Session and 1st 8-Week Session
  • Deadline for Candidate’s 5 Business-Day Window to Review P&T File and Add any Candidate Letter of Information/Rebuttal, if Desired, to the P&T File. P&T File Is Released to the University P&T Committee (UPTC) for review. If no rebuttal is needed, candidate forwards file to UPTC for review on or before this date.

January 13-February 12: Spring Online Graduation Application Available 

January 14: Late Registration Ends (1st 8-Week Session)

January 17: Grades Due to Colleges by Noon (Winter Mini-Session)

January 20: Martin Luther King Holiday

January 21:

  • Catalogs locked and UG/GRD editorial review process begins (Acalog content is inaccessible and no further editing/changes are permitted) by 8 a.m.
  • Late Registration Ends (Regular Session)
  • Census Date (1st 8-Week Session); Last Day to Drop or Withdraw Without Receiving a Grade.
  • CTAP Opt Out Deadline (1st 8-Week Session)

January 22:

  • Fee Payment Deadline for 1st 8-Week Session and Spring Late Registration by 5 p.m. For All Payment Methods.
  • Second Administrative Drop for 1st 8-Week and Regular Sessions after 5 p.m.

January 29:

  • Official Census Date for Spring Regular Session
  • Last Day to Drop or Withdraw Without Receiving a Grade (Regular Session)
  • CTAP Opt Out Deadline (Regular Session)

January-May: Deans Submit self-study Reports to the Academic Program Review (APR) Coordinator in Office of Planning and Assessment.

February 2025

February 1:

  • Spring UHCL Core Curriculum Assessment Cycle Begins.
  • Internal Final Program Review Report Due to Deans.

February 1-14: CBM003 THECB Spring Supplemental Course Inventory available for New Courses.

February 1-28: Office of Planning and Assessment Provides Assessment Plan, Overall Status and Evaluation of Completed Assessment Plans Report to Deans/Divisions/AVPs/Provost.

February 3: 

  • Provost Informs Colleges and Faculty of Final Faculty Development Leave Approvals.
  • Syllabus Tool Audit Completed and Corrections Due.

February 7: Deadline for University P&T Committee (UPTC) Members to Submit their Pre-Meeting Votes for P&T Cases to the Provost Office.

February 7-9: Maintenance Window for Office of Information Technology

February 10:

  • Provost Call for Nominations: Presidents Distinguished Faculty Awards (Teaching, Research, Service, Lecturer and Adjunct).
  • UPTC Meeting to Review and Vote on P&T Cases.
  • 20th class day of Regular Session (State Reporting Date)

February 11: Third Administrative Drop for Regular Session

February 12:

  • Registration Opens (2nd 8-Week Session)
  • Last Day to Apply for Spring Semester Graduation on Time (30 days after first class day).

February 13-March 14: Online Late Graduation Application Available

February 14:

  • CBM003 Spring Supplemental Course Inventory Due to Registrar. Manual entry into PeopleSoft and Acalog. Changes to current, live catalog no longer permissible with Curriculog.
  • Faculty Emeritus: Nominations to Chair of Council of Professors Due.

February 15: International Education Fee Award Scholarship Spring Final Deadline (dependent on remaining funds).

February 17:

  • Deadline for Provost to upload and submit UPTC decision letter to submission box. Candidate has five business days (deadline 2/25/25) to inform provost of intent to appeal P&T decision of UPTC. P&T files are submitted to president.
  • Faculty Development and Support Fund Proposals Due to the CSE Dean.
  • Last Day to Drop/Withdraw (1st 8-Week Session)

February 25: Mid-Term Grades Due to the Colleges by Noon (Spring Regular Session).

March 2025

March 1:

  • Final Application Deadline for International Students from Institutions Outside the US for Summer (if the program’s application deadline is earlier, students should apply by the program’s application deadline).
  • Freshman Priority Application Deadline (All Summer Sessions)

March 1-15: Office of Planning and Assessment Provides Core Curriculum Assessment Report to Deans/Divisions/AVPs/Provost.

March 1-April 30: Submit Annual Course Inventory to THECB (time pending on when THECB copies prior year).

March 1-May 1: External Program Review Reports and Dean Response Due to the Academic Program Review (APR) Coordinator in Office of Planning and Assessment.

March 3:

  • Payment Deadline for 2nd 8-Week Session Registration and Spring Late Registration by 5 p.m. for All Payment Methods
  • Faculty Development and Support Fund Proposals Due to the COE Department Chair.
  • Undergraduate and Graduate Catalogs go live on UHCL Website.
  • Summer/Fall Class Schedules Available Online (Four Weeks Prior to Early Registration).
  • CBM-002 THECB TSI Report Due
  • CBM-008 THECB Faculty Report
  • CBM-0E1 THECB Student End of Semester Report Due
  • CBM-00S THECB Student Schedule Report Due
  • Submission of Application for COE Dissertation Defense

March 4: Nominations Due to Provost: President's Distinguished Faculty Awards (Teaching, Research, Service, Lecturer and Adjunct).

March 5: Faculty Emeritus: Recommendations due from Council of Professors to Deans, Provost and President.

March 6: Last Class Day (1st 8-Week Session)

March 7-8: Final Exam (1st 8-Week Session)

March 7-9: Maintenance Window for Office of Information Technology

March 8: End of 1st 8-Week Session

March 10: First Class Day (2nd 8-Week Session)

March 11: Registration ends (2nd 8-Week Session)

March 14: Notification of Non-Reappointment of Non-Tenured/Tenure Track Faculty from Deans.

March 15: International Education Fee Award Scholarship Summer Priority Deadline. 

March 17: Faculty Research Support Fund Proposals Due to Office of Sponsored Programs, via email by 5 p.m. 

March 17-22: Spring Break Holiday (Students)

March 24:

  • Census Date (2nd 8-Week Session); Last Day to Drop or Withdraw Without Receiving a Grade.
  • Final Date for COE Dissertation Defense
  • CTAP Opt Out Deadline (2nd 8-Week Session)

March 25: Grades Due to Colleges by Noon (1st 8-Week Session)

March 27: Faculty Development and Support Fund Proposals Due to HSH Dean. 

March 28:

  • Initial Appointment for Format Check of Dissertation with the Library.
  • Deans Send Names of Program Review Committees to the Academic Program Review (APR) Coordinator in Office of Planning and Assessment.

March 31-April 10: Early Registration and Advising (May Mini-Session, Summer, and Fall). 

April 2025

April 1:

  • Faculty-Led Education Abroad Proposal Deadline for Spring/Spring Break (At least 1-1.5 years prior to proposed Education Abroad semester).
  • Final Application Deadline for International Students from Institutions Outside the US for Summer 2025 (if the program’s application deadline is earlier, students should apply by the program’s application deadline).
  • Provost Sends Update of Faculty to Complete Sixth-Year Reviews to Deans Along with the P&T Calendar for the Upcoming Academic Year.

April 1-30: Annual Submission to THECB (Edit Returns begin)

April 2: Deans' Notification of Reappointment or Non-Reappointment to Non-Tenure-Track Faculty.

April 3: Faculty Development and Support Fund Proposals Due to the COB Dean.

April 4:

  • Deadline for any University P&T Appeals Committee to Submit Recommendation Regarding an Appeal Case to the President.
  • Initial Appointment for Format Check of Dissertations, Theses, and Projects with Library.
  • Deans Written Notification to Faculty Who Will Undergo Third-Year Review.

April 7: Last Day to Drop/Withdraw (Regular Session)

April 8: Provost Request to Deans for List of Reappointments and Non-Reappointments of Non-Tenure-Track Faculty (Due April 21, 2025).

April 11-13: Maintenance Window for Office of Information Technology

April 11-May 12: May Mini-Session Open Registration Ends at 5 p.m.

April 11-May 30: Summer Open Registration and Advising Ends by 5 p.m.

April 11-August 15: Fall Open Registration and Advising Ends by 5 p.m.

April 14: Final Approval of Dissertation by the COE Dean

April 15: Faculty Development and Support Fund Proposals Due to Dean of CSE. 

April 21:

  • Deans' Notification to Provost of Status of Non-Tenure-Track Faculty - Reappointments and Non-Reappointments.
  • Last Day to Drop/Withdraw (2nd 8-Week Session)

April 24: Submission of Theses/Projects to the Dean for Approval

April 25:

  • Faculty Emeritus: President Forwards Nominations to UHS Board of Regents Meeting (Date subject to change).
  • The President’s P&T Decision Letter Is Uploaded to Workflow and is Forwarded to the University of Houston System for Board of Regents Approval. (Date subject to change upon scheduling of 2025 BOR Meetings).

April 26-May 5: 100% Online Courses May Schedule Final Exams

April 28:

  • Last Class Day Regular Session
  • Submission of Theses/Projects to the Dean for Approval

April 29-May 5: Final Exams Spring Regular Session

April 30: CBM003 Annual Course Inventory Due to Registrar 

May 2025

May 1:

  • Faculty Development and Support Fund Proposals Due to the COB Dean.
  • Summer Priority Application Deadline for Undergraduate Transfer, Returning and Non-Degree-Seeking Undergraduate and Graduate Students (Students who apply after this date must submit all required documentation with their paper application in the Office of Admissions and will be processed for Late Registration).
  • Priority Application Deadline for Undergraduate Transfer, Returning and Non-Degree-Seeking Undergraduate and Graduate Students (Summer II Session). Students who apply after this date must submit all required documentation with their paper application in the Office of Admissions and will be processed for Late Registration).
  • Freshman Final Application Deadline for Summer I (Freshmen applying after the online application closes must submit all requirements and a paper application to the Office of Admissions by May 14).
  • Final Application Deadline for New Graduate Students. (Some programs may have earlier deadlines. See Application Deadlines on the program’s website).
  • Final Application Deadline for International Students for Fall 2025 (If the program’s application deadline is earlier, Students should apply by the program’s application deadline).

May 2:

  • Final Date for HSH Dissertation Defense
  • Initial Electronic Submission (Vireo) of Dissertations, Theses, and Projects to Library (Spring Session).

May 5:

  • Final Approval of Theses/Projects by the Dean
  • Final Submission of Dissertations to the HSH Dean's Office

May 7: May Mini-Session Fee Payment Deadline by Noon For All Payment Methods.

May 8: Last Class Day (2nd 8-Week Session)

May 9:

  • Deadline for Final Electronic Submission (Vireo) of Dissertations, Theses, and Projects to Library (Spring Session).
  • Provost Sends Official Letter of Reappointment to Non-Tenure-Track Faculty.

May 9-10: Final Exams (2nd 8-Week Session)

May 10: Official Closing of Spring Semester and Degree Conferral Date 

May 10: Spring Commencement Ceremony

May 12: First Class Day (May Mini-Session)

May 12-June 11: Online Graduation Application Available (Summer Session)

May 13:

  • Official Census Date for May Mini-Session; Last Day to Drop or Withdraw a Course Without Receiving a Grade Census Date for May Mini-Session.
  • Census Date (May Mini-Session); Last Day to Drop or Withdraw Without Receiving a Grade.
  • CTAP Opt Out Deadline (May Mini-Session)

May 15:

  • International Education Fee Award Scholarship Summer and Fall Deadline (dependent on remaining funds).
  • Grades Due to Colleges by Noon ( Regular and 2nd 8-Week Sessions)

May 16: Faculty Check-out Date (Friday after grades are due)

May 21: Graduation Clearances due by 5 p.m.

May 22: Faculty Development and Support Fund Proposals Due to the HSH Dean. 

May 23: Final Application Deadline for Undergraduate Transfer, Returning and Non-Degree-Seeking Undergraduate Students (Summer I Session).

May 23-25: Maintenance Window for Office of Information Technology

May 26: Memorial Day Holiday

TBD: International Student Orientation (ISO) (Summer Session)

May 27:

  • Summer Financial Aid Disbursements Begin
  • Last Day to Drop/Withdraw (May Mini-Session)

May 30:

  • Last Class Day/Final Exam (May Mini-Session)
  • Fee Payment Deadline for Early and Open Registration. 5 p.m. For All Payment Methods.
  • End of Summer Open Registration and Fee Payment Deadline.

May 31-June 4: Summer Late Registration/Add/Drop

June 2025

June 2: Classes Begin (Summer I 8-Week, 5-Week Sessions)

June 3: Faculty Development and Support Fund Proposals Due to the COB Dean. 

June 5:

  • Grades Due to Colleges by Noon (May Mini-Session).
  • Official Census Date for Regular 5-Week Summer Session; Last Day to Drop or Withdraw a Course Without Receiving a Grade Census Date for 5-Week Session.
  • Fee Payment Deadline for Summer Late Registration by 5 p.m. for all payment methods.
  • CTAP Opt Out Deadline (Summer Regular 5-Week Session)

June 9:

  • Official Census Date for Regular 8-Week Summer Session; Last Day to Drop or Withdraw a Course Without Receiving a Grade Census Date for 8-Week Session.
  • Submission of Application for COE Dissertation Defense.
  • CTAP Opt Out Deadline (Regular 8-Week Session)

June 12-27: Summer Online Late Graduation Application Available

June 19: Emancipation Day Holiday

June 20-22: Maintenance Window for Office of Information Technology

June 23:

  • Last Day to Drop/Withdraw (5-week session)
  • 15th class day of Regular Session (State Reporting Date)

June 25: Final Date for COE Dissertation Defense

June 26: Last Day to Apply for Summer Graduation–45 Days After First Class Day of May Mini-Session

June 27: Initial Appointment for Format Check of Dissertations, Theses, and Projects with Library (Summer Session)

June 28: Summer II Final Application Deadline for Undergraduate Transfer, Returning and Non-Degree-seeking Undergraduate Students

June 30: Summer II Financial Aid Disbursements Begin

July 2025

July 1-15: CBM003 Summer Supplemental Course Inventory Excel available for New Courses.

July 3:

  • Initial Appointment for Format Check of Dissertations, Theses, and Projects with Library (Fall Session).
  • College Annual Reports Due to Provost/Vice Provost.

July 4: Independence Day Holiday

July 5: Last Class Day/Final Exam (5-Week Session)

July 7:

  • Classes Begin Summer II (4-Week Session)
  • Last Day to Drop/Withdraw (8-Week Session)

July 7-9: Summer II Late Registration 4-week Only by 11:59 p.m.

July 9:

  • Official Census Date for Regular 4-Week Summer Session
  • Last Day to Drop or Withdraw a Course Without Receiving a Grade Census Date for 4-Week Session
  • CTAP Opt Out Deadline (Regular 4-Week Session)

July 10:

  • Grades Due to Colleges by Noon (5-Week Session)
  • Fee Payment Deadline for Summer II Late Registration 5 p.m. for all payment methods. 

TBD: Transfer Student Orientation (TSO) Summer

July 15:

  • CBM003 Summer Supplemental Course Inventory File Due to Registrar. Manual entry into People Soft. Changes to current, live catalog no longer permissible with Curriculog.
  • Freshman Priority Application Deadline

July 18-20: Maintenance Window for Office of Information Technology

July 21: Catalog cloned in Acalog

July 21-August 22: Map 2026-2027 Acalog catalogs to 2026-2027 Curriculog Forms.

July 24: Submission of Theses/Projects to the Dean for Approval

July 25: Initial Electronic Submission (Vireo) of Dissertations, Theses, and Projects to Library (Summer Session).

July 26: Last Class Day/Final Exam (8-Week Session)

July 28: Last Day to Drop/Withdraw (4-Week Session)

July 31:

  • Final Approval of Dissertations by the HSH Dean.
  • Final Approval of Theses/Projects to the Dean for Approval.

August 2025

August 1:

  • Fall Final Application Deadline for New Graduate Students (Some programs may have earlier deadlines. See Application Deadlines on the program’s website).
  • Fall Semester Priority Application Deadline for Undergraduate Transfer, Returning and Non-Degree-Seeking Undergraduate Students (Students who apply after this date must submit all required documentation with their paper application in the Office of Admissions and will be processed for Late Registration).
  • Deadline for Final Electronic Submission (Vireo) of Dissertations, Theses, and Projects to Library (Summer Session).

August 2:

  • Last Class Day/Final Exam (4-Week Session)
  • Official Closing of Summer Semester and Summer Degree Conferral Date (no commencement ceremony).

August 4: Faculty Development and Support Fund Proposals Due to the COB Dean. 

August 7: Grades Due to Colleges by Noon (4-Week, 8-Week Sessions)

August 9: Final Application Deadline for Returning UHCL Students

August 11:

  • Financial Aid Disbursements begin
  • Faculty Reporting Date (One week before 1st day of class)

August 12: Fall Final Application Deadline for Undergraduate Transfer, Returning and Non-Degree-Seeking Undergraduate Students (Students who apply after this date must submit all required documentation with their paper application to the Office of Admissions and will be processed for Late Registration.)

August 12 and 13: New Faculty Orientation

August 13: Graduation Clearances due by Noon

August 18: Classes Begin; First Class Day (Fall 2025 Regular Session and 1st 8-Week Session)

August 21: Catalog cloned in Acalog

August 29: Catalog opened for editing in Acalog. Curriculog forms available for adds, changes and deletions to courses and programs for the 2026-2027 catalog year.

Administration Calendar Archive


  • Office of the Provost

    Phone: 281-283-3000
    Fax: 281-283-3009
    Bayou Building, 2525
    2700 Bay Area Blvd, Box 74
    Houston, TX 77058-1002

    Office hours:
    Monday - Friday, 8 a.m. - 5 p.m.