Veteran's Preference

In an on-going effort to be responsible stewards of financial resources and to conserve funds which will enable us to manage current and future budget shortfalls during these difficult economic times University of Houston-Clear Lake has established a Strategic Hiring Committee.

The committee consists of the Provost, Executive Director of Human Resources, Budget Office Director, Vice President for Student Affairs, and Vice President for Administration and Finance. The Provost and Executive Director of Human Resources will serve as committee co-chairs.

The hiring review process applies to all regular (full and part-time) administrative and staff positions.


The Strategic Hiring Committee will collectively review and provide recommendations to the President for each request to fill, create, re-organize, re-classify or eliminate a budgeted position. The Strategic Hiring Committee will review the requested positions following an assessment by Human Resources for fair market value and internal equity and the Budget Office for fiscal responsibility and funding availability.

All requests to fill, create, re-organize, re-classify or eliminate (a) budgeted position(s) will proceed through the following order:

  1. Position request(s) are submitted by the Dean/VP to Human Resources following initiation of a position request through the division/departments management and the Budget Office.
  2. Upon completion of the review by Human Resources, the position request(s) will be forwarded to the Strategic Hiring Committee for review.
    The Strategic Hiring Committee will either request additional information from the unit or reach a recommendation which will be forwarded to the President.
  3. The President will either accept the Strategic Hiring Committee’s recommendation or request additional information and provide an updated recommendation following a reevaluation of the request.
  4. The Strategic Hiring Committee will communicate in writing the final decision to the requesting unit.

Please review the Strategic Hiring Process form below for additional information and the complete process:

Strategic Hiring Committee Process

Position Request and Form

Utilizing the Strategic Hiring Request Form, the committee will consider the following criteria in its review:

  • Current overall staffing need(s) of the campus, division, department and how this position will address or meet this/these critical, essential or operational needs.
  • The consequences for not filling or re-classifying this position.
  • The re-distribution or assumption of duties and responsibilities of the position should the position not be filled or re-classified.
  • The impact to the campus or unit budget if the position is approved.
  • The impact to the campus or unit budget if the position is not approved.
  • The current staffing model level in relation to the strategic plan for the campus or unit.
  • Future staffing projections for the campus or requesting unit.

Requests should be submitted as soon as possible. The Strategic Hiring Committee will meet bi-weekly. Special meetings may occur as needed.

Strategic Hiring Request Form


  • Human Resources

    Phone: 281-283-2160
    Fax: 281-283-2158 

    Bayou Building B2537
    2700 Bay Area Blvd, Box 167
    Houston, TX 77058-1002