Mary Curtis, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor of Curriculum and Instruction,
College of Education
Contact number: 281-283-3607
Email: CurtisM@uhcl.edu
Office: Bayou 1119
Areas of Expertise
- Teaching and Learning in Geography and Social Science Education
- Geospatial Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (G-TPCK)
- Females' Perceptions in STEM
- Transdisciplinary Education in K-12 Social Studies and Science
- Curtis, M.D. (2023). Review of book [Geography Education in the Digital World: Linking Theory to Practice by N. Walshe and G. Healy, Eds]. Journal of Geography, 122(2), 54-55.
- Curtis, M.D. (2023). Review of book [Mentoring Geography Teachers in the Secondary School: A Practical Guide by G. Healy, L. Hammond, S. Puttick, and N. Walshe, Eds.] Journal of Geography, 122(6), 163-164.
- Curtis, M. D. & Deal, M. (2023). Chapter 5 subject test: Social studies (808). In Cavallo A. (Ed.) TExES core subjects 4-8, 2nd Edition. (pp. 237-378). Research & Education Association: Garden City, New York.
- Curtis, M. D. & Ferguson D. (2023). Chapter 5 subject test III: Social studies (903). In Rosado, L.. (Ed.) TExES core subjects EC-6 (pp. 175-272). Research & Education Association: Garden City, New York.
- Curtis, M. D., & Green, A. (2021). A systematic review of evidence-based practice for students with learning disabilities in social studies classrooms. The Social Studies, 1-15.
- Rosado, L., Amaro-Jimenez, C., Pant, M., Curtis, M. D., & Nandakumar, V. (2020). Identifying barriers impeding bilingual and ESL teacher candidate success on state licensure exams. NABE’s Journal of Research and Practice, 1-10.
- Curtis, M. D. (2020). Towards understanding teachers’ decisions to adopt geospatial technologies as instructional technologies: An examination of Everett Rogers’ diffusion of innovation framework. Journal of Geography, 119(5), 147-158.
- Millsaps, L., Larsen, T., Curtis, M. D., & Monakhova, M. (2020). Geography education and the borderlands: Using a marginalized discipline to teach about margins. In Fuerst-Bjelis and Leimgruber (Eds.), Perspectives on Marginality: Globalization, Marginalization and Conflict-Political, Economic and Social Processes. Springer: New York.
- Curtis, M. D. (2019). Professional technologies in schools: The role of pedagogical knowledge in teaching with geospatial technologies. Journal of Geography, 118(3), 130-142.
- Baker, T., Curtis, M. D., & Millsaps, L. (2019). Geotechnologies in spatial citizenship. In E.E. Shin & S. B. Bednarz (eds.) Spatial citizenship education: Citizenship through geography (pp. 117-131). Routledge, New York.
- Curtis, M. D. (2016). Chapter 5: Subject test III: Social studies. In Rosado, L. A. (Ed.) TExES core subjects EC-6. (pp. 167-252). Research & Education Association: Piscataway, New Jersey.
- Curtis, M. D. (2015). Subject test: Social studies. In Cavallo A. (Ed.) TExES core subjects 4-8. (pp. 175-271). Research & Education Association: Piscataway, New Jersey.
- Curtis, M. D. (2015). Analyzing the Diffusion of Geospatial technologies as instructional tools in high school geography education. (Doctoral dissertation). Texas State University, San Marcos, TX.
- Battersby S. E., Mohan, A., Cooper, C. W., Curtis, M. D., Lane, J., Tabor, L. K., & Wessell, J. (2013). What supports or promotes the development of geographic knowledge, skills, and practices? Pedagogy and research priorities to improve geography teaching and learning at the K-12 level. Research in Geography Education, 15, 29-43.
- Sawyer C. F., Butler, D. R., & Curtis, M. D. (2010). Using webcams to show change and movement in the physical environment. Journal of Geography, 109(6), 251- 263.
- Gilbert M. Grosvenor Center for Geographic Education. (2009). Why Geography Is Important. K. Foote, R. Hagelman, R. Morrill, and M. Solem, eds. M. Curtis and J. Adams Coordinating Editors. San Marcos, TX. (Editorial Review).
- Milson A. J., & Curtis, M. D. (2009). Where and why there? Spatial thinking with geographic information systems. Social Education, 73(3), 113-118.
- Fuhrmann, S., Stone, L. D., Casey, M. C., Curtis, M. D., Doyle, A. L., Earle, B. D., … Schermerhorn, S.M. (2008). Teaching disaster preparedness in geographic education. Journal of Geography, 107(3), 112-120.
Courses (Current Academic Year)
- TCED 4321
- TCED 4331
- TCED 4361
Research Projects
- Agency, Sense of Belonging & Female Perceptions in STEM
- Technological Ecological Knowledge, Place-Based Education, & Geography Education
- Geospatial Technology in Teaching and Learning in the Social Sciences
- Building Data Visualization Capacity in Elementary Social Studies Education
Awards and Accomplishments
- 2024 SERA Research Grant Early Career Award, Southwest Educational Research Association (SERA)
- 2020-2021 University of Texas Arlinton Center for Research on Teaching and Learning Excellence (CRTLE), Professional Learning Community Faculty Fellow
- 2019-2020 University of Texas Arlinton Innovation, Diversity, Excellence, Access, Success (IDEAS) Center Faculty Fellow
- 2019 University of Texas Regents' Outstanding Teaching Award (ROTA) Nominee
- 2017 Professor of the Year: Service Above Self Award, provided by Arlington Sunrise Rotary
- 2017 Outstanding Graduate Advisor Nominee
- 2015 Early Career Scholar Research Workshop, awarded by the Grosvenor Center for Geographic Education and the National Center for Research in Geography Education.
- 2010 Sustainable Ecosystems, Enduring Cultures (SEEC) Ecuador participant; Fulbright-Hays Teacher Grant.
- 2008 Best Secondary Teaching Article for the Journal of Geography
- 2008, 2010 Grosvenor Scholar at National Geographic Society (2008-2009; 2010-2011)
- 2006 National Council for Geographic Education Distinguished Teacher Award